都易荣誉 | 收获牛年首个海外奖项-美国IDA国际设计大奖

发布时间:2021-04-07 来源:都易国际 浏览次数:1324

2021年1月28日,都易喜获牛年的首个奖项美国IDA国际设计大奖,都易作品万科·绍兴·大都会在2020年度美国IDA国际设计大奖评选中,获得建筑类·荣誉提名奖(Honorable Mention)

美国IDA国际设计奖(International Design Award)是美国最具权威的国际设计大奖之一,2007年创办于美国加州,倡导设计的可持续性、科学性、智能性,评选条件十分严格。该奖项设置覆盖建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计、时尚设计、平面设计等五个门类。偏重视觉设计与新潮议题,被称为世界各大知名设计奖项的“风向标”。


The project has a systematic circulation route. As the north side of the site has a long street, the architects utilized it to create a space with rich layers.

From the public square at the northwest corner to the entrance comprised of porticos and to the outdoor footpath with delicate arcades, the circular demonstration area becomes the first highlight of the spatial sequence, where is set the exquisite sand table of the whole community.

Then, visitors can choose to continue walking to the show flat or go through the veranda to further appreciate the charm of Jiangnan-style architecture.